Stretch its own foreskin over another human being so they could wear it as a coat, or wrap it around someone like a cocoon. This cock could choke out a man and contract its skin so hard it would break bones. One day this special cock decided...

... to run away with the circus. It figured that a 'big top' needed a big ...

...bottom too. Thus it conspired to wrap up oprah winfr3y and steal her away. However, dur8ng the attempt to wrap itself around her city sized ass, it encountered. ..

... a nuclear reactor. Why exactly a nuclear reactor was installed on Oprah's arse end, may just be an eternal mystery, but never-the-less, this cock knew exactly what it could do with such power. First it would ...

...find a huge condom. For with great power, comes great responsibility. Then it would...

...proceed to wrap the condom around the nuclear reactor, closing off all ventilation and causing a meltdown (sorted!). So with the big top and radioactive bottom in tow, the cock proceeded to...

... crow 3 times because he's heard one of his ancestors did it and caused quite the minimalist stir. unfortunately, he crowed far too close to the meltdown-nuclear-fire-tipped ass that was. Within seconds the surrounding....

... circus tents erupted into flames, super-heated by the irradiated rear end. With a mighty thrust, the cock pushed the toxic tooshie over a nearby cliff and into the sea, leaving the problem to someone else who might be at the other end of whatever current carried the thing away. Turning back to the flaming circus, the cock then ....

...started to get a little excited, for it had been an exciting day and it had a figurative hardon for action. Unfortunately, the cock was also somewhat shy, so it...

.... pulled it's foreskin up over its head and tried to hide from the flames. Of course, this was of little real protection. As the smell of sizzling snag filled the air ...


....spontaneously also happened. Sadly this was the last straw and...

And with a quick jerk back of its forskin the giant cock extinguished flames with a forceful spray of cum. Once the flames had died down....

... Up quickly felt like taking a nap, because you know, that's the way these things work. Within moments, the cock was contentedly snoring away when ...

...along walked Shagga, son of Dolf, who recognized Up as a manhood he had chopped off with the intention of feeding to the goats. (Pop culture reference to GOT) Fortunately for Shagga, but not so Up, several goats had been freed in the melee of the circus fire, and while laying there spent, Up was fed to the goats, thus ending the long and short of the stiry of Up.
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